The restructuring of a pharmaceutical business can be complex, stressful and difficult to manage, especially for those who do not yet have a clear vision regarding the renovation of the premises. However, when approached in the right way and with the help of qualified professionals, the pharmacy renovation presents an opportunity to make major changes to the store and the management of the business. After all, change offers the possibility to face new challenges and seize opportunities quickly.
Over the years, the pharmaceutical sector has undergone profound changes. The pharmacy is no longer the only place where consumers can easily find medicines: competition from large retailers, herbalists, perfumeries and specialized shops is fierce.
A research conducted by Pierre Fabre Italia shows that, out of 35 million Italian consumers, only 10% buy personal care products in pharmacies. So how can we attract more customers? The renovation of the pharmacy could be an excellent opportunity to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the store, as well as to redefine one’s communication style.
Put the customer at the center of attention
It is essential to always keep the customer at the center of attention, from the moment they enter the pharmacy. He turns to an expert professional to obtain opinions or advice and expects to be listened to and understood in his needs. Otherwise, he’d buy aspirin at any supermarket.
For this reason, it is essential to understand what the customer expects from the new generation pharmacy, in order to design the refurbishment of the premises in an appropriate way. The ultimate goal is to put the customer at ease, arouse interest, respond to his needs adequately and entice him to come back.
When it is useful to renovate a pharmacy
There are several reasons that push a pharmacist to restructure his shop. Some of them are practical in nature, such as the need to renovate the premises or expand the business; others are instead of a strategic nature, aimed at keeping up with the times and increasing sales. Here is a list of the most common situations that could convince you to renovate your store:
1. Transfer of Business
After years of success, it may be time for a change. Maybe business is good and you need a bigger space to welcome customers and improve the shopping experience. Or you have identified a new, more suitable location, perhaps close to the centre, which would increase your visibility. Whatever the motivation, the time has come for a change.
Why not take the opportunity to refurbish your pharmacy? Study the arrangement of the furniture and the lighting system of the room, improve the positioning of the products on the displays and on the counter and rethink the communication of your business. Start from scratch and adopt a customer-oriented approach from the beginning.
2. Expansion of Premises
This solution allows you to refresh the appearance of the pharmacy and to use the spaces in a different way. The aim is to give the customer greater freedom of movement and focus his attention on specific areas of the store through the correct use of colours, materials and lights.
The expansion of the premises represents an opportunity to install an automation system for warehouse management. Eliminate excess drawer units and opt for more compact furnishings to increase the store’s display area: in this way you can create areas dedicated to special treatments or install some beauty booths to offer new services to your customers.
3. Stay Ahead of the Competition
Always being one step ahead of your competitors is key to maintaining success. The best way to do this is to find your identity and communicate it to the public with the right tone of voice. The closer the customer feels to the image you are trying to communicate, the more he will trust you. As a result, your sales will increase. Furthermore, a better arrangement of furniture and products can help you feel at ease when the consumer enters your store.
4. Take advantage of tax incentives
There are tax breaks you can access to refurbish your pharmacy and make it more energy efficient. Periodically check the laws or regulations to discover new incentives or concessions to request. Why not take advantage of it and renew your business?
The Benefits of Pharmacy Renovation
A better arrangement of space and furnishings in the pharmacy helps customers find the products they are looking for more easily. Good lighting, for example, greatly improves the legibility of medicine labels and encourages the consumer to enter a modern, clean and exclusive environment. In summary, the main benefit obtained from the restructuring